Example map that uses two data sources for events and plots regional and fault kml files.
Recent Eqs Map Legend
The sizes of symbols scale with earthquake magnitude, and their color with either the age of the earthquake or its depth, as shown in the legend below, and selected in the panel to the right of the map. Clicking on an earthquake symbol shows its basic details and a link to a page with more details about the individual earthquake. Probable surface explosions (usually due to quarrying or road building) are shown as stars.
Control Panel
Recent Eqs Map Panel
Using the tools in this panel you can control the earthquakes shown on the map. The minimum magnitude to plot is selected by the slider. The "Time" and "Depth" determines whether earthquake age or depth are used to color the symbol.

Events on map
Mag | Time (Local) | Depth (Km) |
Map boundaries
The red polygon is the reporting region for this map; the black polygon is the authoratative region of the PNSN. Events inside the authorative network are rendered as cirlces; events outside the authorative region but inside the reporting region are rendered as squares. Explosions are always rendered as stars. More
Cross Section
Create a custom cross-section or depth-time plot. Click on "Custom Plot" to start.